The statistics of women and STEM degrees … Studies have repeatedly reported that math and science are perceived as male domains, and scientists as predominantly male. Between 2000 and 2012, the annual number of S&E bachelor’s degrees … However, the impact of the gender image of school science … However, experience in STEM fields varies considerably by gender, race and education. Women, minorities and those with associate degrees have found the field less than welcoming. Women take home a disproportionately small share of the total STEM undergraduate degrees. New Mexico and Montana had the largest gender gap in STEM degrees … Their incomes are slightly higher compared to STEM premium for males. The number of S&E bachelor’s degrees awarded to women rose from 200,952 in 2000 to 297,539 in 2012. In countries with higher gender equality, women are less likely to get STEM degrees The UN has called on the global community to end this imbalance, and every year holds an International … While STEM is a growing occupational option, the number of women in these careers is often lower than men, resulting in a large gender gap. Women with STEM jobs also earned 40 percent more than men with non-STEM jobs. Consequently, the researchers conclude, the gender wage disparity in STEM related jobs is smaller compared to that in Non-STEM careers. When looking at the differences between men and women graduating with STEM degrees, the majority of states had a significant gap. There are various reasons for this gap: Girls are often less encouraged to go into STEM … D espite more women studying STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths), when it comes to jobs in these fields, the gender gap remains wide. As a result, the gender wage gap is smaller in STEM jobs than in non-STEM jobs. 69,991 are women (32.9%); and 143,099 … This all starts with the number of degrees in STEM fields that women earn. While nearly as many women hold undergraduate degrees as men overall, they make up only about 30 percent of all STEM degree … Many scholars and policymakers have noted that the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have remained predominantly male with historically low participation among women since the origins of these fields in the 18th century during the Age of Enlightenment.. Scholars are exploring the various reasons for the continued existence of this gender disparity in STEM … STEM Bachelor degree (excluding double-degrees): there are 213,090 total students studying in a STEM Bachelor degree (excluding Medical Sciences and Health). This statistic shows the number of STEM degrees/certificates awarded by post-secondary institutions in the United States each year from 2008-09 to 2017-18, by gender. The number of S&E bachelor’s degrees earned by men over this period increased from 197,650 to 291,791.