AD: Fight your depression with TMS - Tricare approved in Olympia. A19. 8. APPLICABILITY This regulation is applicable to all personnel engaged in fishing at JBLM. The Pentagon is expected to reinstate more travel restrictions this coming week. Plan Ahead to Avoid frustrating Travel This Holiday Season, AAA Advises ~ To make the most of this holiday season, AAA suggests planning ahead to avoid common holiday travel pitfalls. “We are accepting orders through Nov. 23,” West said. These restrictions do not apply to courts and judicial branch-related proceedings. • George said the base must balance training and caring for single servicemembers who are in barracks. The actions outlined in Secretary Esper’s memo and the Force Health Protection Supplement #4 are done to protect our personnel and their families. Youth and Adult Sporting Activities: Indoor activities and all contests and games are prohibited. • Holiday travel is not restricted for soldiers or airmen. A4. Does the domestic travel restriction affect those who must travel for medical treatment?
For Level 2, yes. • Warrior Restaurants are 25% capacity for eating in. A23. Of the 333 service members surveyed, just 65% said they live within a 30-minute commute to Joint Base Lewis-McChord. In-Store Retail shall be limited to 25 percent of indoor occupancy limits, and common/congregate seating areas and indoor dining facilities such as food courts are closed. Yes, the policy is in effect as of March 13. Click here for the CDC COVID-19 Travel Page Click here for DoD COVID-19 updates There is no blanket policy. Other Items may be added at a later date due to supply and demand. • No indoor social gatherings. The Joint Personal Property Shipping Office Northwest (JPPSO NW) is a joint staffed DoD activity that is committed to providing superior quality traffic management services for the acquisition of transportation services for the movement and storage of personal property. 050205-B) Note: The rates and costs in this example may not be current and are for illustrative purposes only. No. As stated in the travel restriction guidance, exceptions may be granted for compelling cases where the travel is: (1) determined to be mission essential; (2) necessary for humanitarian reasons; or (3) warranted due to extreme hardship. • There is no news on whether a COVID vaccine will be mandatory to military personnel, however, George quipped that in his career taking a shot has never been voluntary. The Department of Defense will begin phasing out travel restrictions in areas where conditions allow. Black Friday is still planned, but stay tuned to the Exchange's websites. Additionally, we are putting preventive monitoring measures in place for those who have recently traveled. Miscellaneous venues include: convention/conference centers, designated meeting spaces in a hotel, events centers, fairgrounds, sporting arenas, nonprofit establishment, or a substantially similar venue. The complete list can be found here: Scenario: The official distance between authorized travel points is 1,500 miles. For Level 2, yes
Q17. Drive-in movie theaters are permitted and must continue to follow current drive-in movie theater guidance. Q22. All required pre-travel screening will be adhered to in accordance with the Force Health Protection guidance supplement #4
Yesterday, Governor Jay Inslee increased off base restrictions, prompting George to move his normal townhall up a day to make these announcements. Approval authority for these exceptions belongs to the combatant commander for those assigned to combatant commands. Fishing at JBLM is a privilege and not a right! A2. Only professional training and testing that cannot be performed remotely, as well as all court and judicial branch-related proceedings, are allowed. The second meal option feeds eight to 12 and includes a roasted turkey and a glazed ham, all the sides and desserts from the first meal option and a home-baked apple pie. 13. Service Member PCS Travel Time Computation when Travel is by Mixed Mode - POV Travel Distance Less than Official Distance, Three Modes (JTR, par. Does the Force Health Protection Guidance also go into effect March 13?
If you wish to comment, use the text box below. A16. Service members may only take leave in the local area. No, this policy applies to all personnel who travel or have recently traveled. 1. In 2005 the US Congress passed the REAL ID Act. Personal service providers include: cosmetologists, cosmetology testing, hairstylists, barbers, estheticians, master estheticians, manicurists, nail salon workers, electrologists, permanent makeup artists, tanning salons, and tattoo artists. “Customers can purchase entire meals cooked and ready-to-eat or a take-and-bake option, with everything prepared and ready for the oven.”. This site is not to be used for contracting or commercial business. Travel restriction status update for all DoD installations, facilities, and locations with greater than 1,000 DoD personnel assigned. As of November 9, 147 of 231 installations, or about 64%, have lifted travel restrictions, meaning they have met specific criteria including the base’s health protection condition level being above “Charlie” and essential services are available, according to the Pentagon. A3. Q3. The Secretary of the Military Department concerned and the Chief Management Officer, in the case of Defense Field Activities and Field Agencies, retain the authority for all other individuals. They may delegate the authority to no lower than the first general officer, flag officer, or member of the Senior Executive Service in the traveler’s chain of command or supervision. In order to help limit COVID-19’s spread and its impact on the force, the Secretary of Defense instituted travel restrictions for both international and domestic travel. A10. For those who recently traveled to, through, or from a CDC Travel Health Advisory Level 2 or Level 3 country, we are directing that they stay at home at 14 days, practice social distancing, and self-monitor for potential symptoms of COVID-19 including taking their temperature twice a day. This restriction will halt all domestic and international travel, including Permanent Change of Station, and Temporary Duty, through June 30, 2020. They should still be mindful of the health protection measures like social distancing and handwashing during their travels. Trees for Troops has not been impacted. A24. With this new policy, what is the impact to those service members who have already received orders, to say, Korea or Japan? Q13. There is no designated quarantine location for returning personnel. A20. Q5. For Level 3: no, unless granted an exception. A9. Orders will be ready for pickup between noon and 6 p.m. Nov. 25 and between 9 a.m. to noon Nov. 26. A household is defined as individuals residing in the same domicile. All other public shopping areas, barber shops, etc to be 25% capacity. Government-funded leave is leave by a military member or DoD civilian employee whose leave involves Government-funded travel. Yes and they are exempt from the travel restrictions. The department will take several measures to enhance traveler safety, such as establishing pre- and post-travel screening and reception procedures and transitioning to military and DoD contracted aircraft for from or to CDC Level 3 or Level 2 designated areas. Q3. • There are no changes to medical services or appointments, Waller Hall or child care. Content © Copyright 2020 - Northwest Military. How does this affect your relationship with host nations? Who is the waiver authority for travel exceptions? Approved reimbursable travel expenses are authorized to be placed on the government travel card. Q24. Specifically, for those who recently traveled to, though, or from a CDC Travel Health Advisory Level 2 or Level 3 country, we are directing that they stay at home at 14 days, practice social distancing, and self-monitor for potential symptoms of COVID-19 including taking their temperature twice a day. at 117 of 231 Installations (51%) (Met: Step 1, Step 2, & Step 3) Of the 117 installations with lifted travel restrictions this week, 0 reinstated travel restrictions while 4 lifted restrictions. Real Estate: Open houses are prohibited. A30. A27. West and her catering team can be contacted at 253-966-4998 or 253-966-3987 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. • Swimming pools open for active duty only for fitness and military training. “We have stayed in line with the majority of Governor Inslee’s restrictions.”. Fitness Facilities and Gyms are closed for indoor operations. Indoor visits are prohibited, but individual exceptions for an essential support person or end-of-life care are permitted. Concurrent travel refers to having family members travel with their sponsor. Outdoor fitness classes are permitted but are subject to and limited by the outdoor social gathering restriction listed above. Yes, all family members of military and essential civilian employees will have their international travel deferred for 60 days. 14. Museums/Zoos/Aquariums are closed for indoor service. Exceptions may be given for compelling cases where the travel is: (1) determined to be mission essential; (2) necessary for humanitarian reasons; or (3) warranted due to extreme hardship. INFO HERE. All DoD uniformed personnel, civilian personnel and family members traveling to, from or through CDC Level 3 locations will stop movement for the next 60 days. The most popular communities among … The Defense Department on Friday reinstated travel restrictions at seven bases for personnel as a result of the coronavirus pandemic in their local areas, according to a Pentagon document released Thursday. Q23. 3. Installations, facilities, and locations that have met the lifting travel criteria (see below table) set forth are indicated by “yes” in the Travel Restrictions Lifted column. Will reserve service members who are deployed to a CDC Level 3 or Level 2 location be permitted to redeploy CONUS upon completion of orders? The first meal option feeds six to eight people with a choice of roasted turkey or glazed ham, homestyle cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes with turkey gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, homemade cranberry sauce with pickled peaches and a homemade pumpkin pie. INFORMATION FROM JBLM ON ACCESS REQUIREMENTS Below is information that will potentially have significant impact on the ability of civilian personnel to access JBLM. Yes, there is a freeze on hiring actions that involve PCS to Level 2 and Level 3 designated locations. What about individuals who have had their household goods picked up but haven’t departed their location?
If the stop movement order does not apply to your PCS—or your chain of command has approved an exception to the order—proceed to the VPC as planned.
For any distance greater than 400 miles, the traveler is allowed another day of travel for every additional 350 miles. Connecting you to your military neighbors, Northwest Military is the home of The Ranger and NW Airlifer newspapers - the definitive source for news and information regarding Joint Base Lewis-McChord, and the entire South Sound., DoD travel restrictions FAQs, Q1. These modified restaurant and bar restrictions go into effect at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, November 18, 2020. 8. Permanent Change of Station and Temporary Duty) to safeguard our people. The movie theater won’t re-open. Now that CDC has declared a Global COVID-19 Outbreak Notice as Level 2, does that mean no families, domestically or internationally, can accompany on PCS moves? Block leave "is a go." Movie Theaters are closed for indoor service. A6. We encourage all DoD personnel and families to visit for tips on staying healthy. * There are physical distancing protocols in place, and we appreciate your patience with the difference in operations as we strive to protect the health & safety of you and our team. 7. JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash. -- Q1. Please contact your chain of command for assistance. You can gather outside with 5 people outside your family. Q27. Or will orders be cancelled? See the latest Fitness Center COVID-19 updates here. Local JBLM publications are issued in the form of circulars, pamphlets, regulations, staff memorandums, supplements and policy statements and should be reviewed every 18 months. Museums/Zoos/Aquariums are closed for indoor service. The Army has a management and development partner (Lincoln Military Housing) from the private sector to manage the family housing communities, to build new housing, renovate existing housing and demolish and rebuild existing housing in other areas. JBLM MWR's official guide to fun, food, travel and well-being! • Winterfest will not be cancelled, however the ice skating will not happen.
Why did DoD institute travel restrictions on its people? Long-term Care Facilities: Outdoor visits are permitted.
Q14: I’ve already dropped my POV off, but my PCS has been delayed. These measures can dramatically decrease the risk of infection and slow the spread of COVID-19. What is being done to ensure our service members are safe in their travels and keep them healthy?A1. Will the screening measures only be for those landing in Level 2 or 3 locations?
Q1. Q6. Q7. Q26. Will the military cover their temporary housing until they can travel? As of March 11, the CDC updated the list of countries designated as Level 3. If you have information for law enforcement, please contact OSI or your local police agency. Please contact your chain of command for assistance. Can I get my car back?
Additionally, DoD has instituted domestic official travel restrictions through May 11 (e.g. Only households can be together inside (boyfriends and girlfriends considered parts of household). All other provisions of Proclamations 20-66, et seq., and 20-74, et seq., including all preliminary criteria to allow any visitors, remain in effect. Restaurants and Bars are closed for indoor dine-in service. Will they be held in place? Travel for medical treatment is still allowed. A1. The DOD put the restrictions in place to limit the spread of coronavirus disease 2019, to protect lives during the global outbreak and to preserve force readiness.. Below, find answers to the most frequently asked questions about travel. Celebrate the holiday season in downtown Olympia, By Senior Airman Tryphena Mayhugh, 62nd Airlift Wing Public Affairs on December 7th, 2020, By U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on December 4th, 2020, By Marisa Conner, Army & Air Force Exchange Service Headquarters on December 4th, 2020, Holiday guide: Tis’ the Season for Zoo Lights, Holiday guide: Tis’ the season for charcuterie boards, Holiday guide: Tis’ the season to find the perfect Christmas tree, Take school on the road with Experience Olympia. • Youth sports activities will pause seeing they are all moving indoors. “Covid has required us to make some adjustments,” George said. This forum is not to be used to report criminal activity., A8. “If customers have any questions about orders, pricing or pickup, they can feel free to give us a call!”. Similarly, DoD Components may continue local hiring. AF reserves the right to modify this policy at any time. • Visiting family members should quarantine before arriving here, plus receive a test per Governor Inslee's recommendations. The Chairman may approve exceptions for the Joint Staff. I have an upcoming appointment to drop my car off at the Vehicle Processing Center (VPC). For all other returning travelers, including those traveling within the United States, we are telling them to practice social distancing and be mindful in their daily self-observation for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. Do not submit unsolicited proposals, or other business ideas or inquiries to this forum. “This year we are offering two Thanksgiving meal options in two different sizes,” said Dorte West, MWR business manager. Can service members ETS and retire within the directive window? Those returning out of state may have to quarantine upon their return. Will a service member be allowed to PCS from Level 3 locations? Q2. 10. Any office that must remain open must limit occupancy to 25 percent of indoor occupancy limits. Q21. Q18. All K-12/higher education, health care, and childcare are exempt from the new restrictions and will follow current guidance. We are working with partner nations in impacted regions to ensure the health and safety of our members as operations continue. Soldiers on JBLM can still travel within the 250-mile area, including overnight stays, as long as those cities and towns are not in Phase 1. Typically, George addresses the JBLM community every other Tuesday at 3 pm.
Who does the domestic travel restriction apply to? A22. A13: If you are unsure if the stop movement order applies to you, contact your chain of command. Q10. Can military members still take leave?
A5. See the JTR, par. The Defense Department on Friday reinstated travel restrictions at seven bases for personnel as a result of the coronavirus pandemic in their local areas, according to a Pentagon document released Thursday. At this time, the United States is not designated as level 2. STATUS: On May 26, 2020, the Secretary of Defense issued memorandum, “ Transition to Conditions-based Phased Approach to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Personnel Movement and Travel Restrictions,” which shifts to a conditions-based phased approach for personnel movement and travel restrictions (see the accompanying fact sheet).This replaces previously issued DoD memoranda A15. TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS UPDATE: Travel restrictions for DOD components remain in effect until June 30, per a Secretary of … AD: Fight your depression with TMS - Tricare approved in Olympia. Q12. Each service member will stay at home or other appropriate domicile coordinated with the parent command for 14 days, practice social distancing and conduct self-monitoring. Will DoD designate specific locations that service members returning CONUS must travel to in order to be placed under the 14-day restriction of movement?
In order to help limit COVID-19’s spread and its impact on the force, the Secretary of Defense instituted travel restrictions for both international and domestic travel. George said those decisions will be made at the unit's O-6 level. At this time, all countries other than the United States are either Level 2 or Level 3, which requires screening whether it was for travel to, from, or through. 16. • Currently Madigan does not have a shortage of bed space or ventilators. 15. What does government-funded leave actually mean?
This acts directs states issuing photo ID to require that Occupancy in each meeting room is limited to 25 percent of indoor occupancy limits or 100 people, whichever is fewer. A: While the DOD lifted the travel restrictions for 45 states, we are still working with the Army on how to implement the process. Inslee announced Sunday the following rules to take effect statewide at 11:59 pm today (these are copied from the state's website): If the activity is not listed, it should follow its current guidance. As stated in the travel restriction guidance, exceptions may be granted for compelling cases where the travel is: (1) determined to be mission essential; (2) necessary for humanitarian reasons; or (3) warranted due to extreme hardship. Vocal or instrumental soloists are permitted to perform, and vocal soloists may have a single accompanist. • Faith based services are at 25% capacity. Outdoor dining and to-go service are permitted, provided that all outdoor dining must comply with the requirements of the Outdoor Dining Guidance. Congregation members/attendees must wear facial coverings at all times and congregation singing is prohibited. This is being done to limit the spread of and potential exposure to COVID-19. Live updates Lakewood-JBLM, WA Coronavirus Updates & News For November 16 . 9. Q19. Q9. The JBLM Morale, Welfare and Recreation office is offering convenient take out options to facilitate your Thanksgiving plans. WA Loosens Restrictions On Restaurants, Theaters, Sports And More - Lakewood-JBLM, WA - Restaurants can serve drinks later and to bigger tables, theaters can … When does the domestic travel restriction go into effect?
It was announced at tonight’s JBLM COVID-19 Facebook Live broadcast that more activities on base will be opened in the near future. This includes the Schengen Area countries of the European Union. Those who have already begun their travel may continue on to their final destination. Connecting you to your military neighbors, Northwest Military is the home of The Ranger and NW Airlifer newspapers - the definitive source for news and information regarding Joint Base Lewis-McChord, and the entire South Sound., Will JBLM follow state restrictions?, Lt. Gen. Randy George, I Corp and Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) commander said Tuesday afternoon that he had planned to … As COVID-19 proliferates across the South Sound, Lt. Gen. Randy George, commander I Corps and Joint Base Lewis-McChord said the base must return to more stringent restrictions. Outdoor Social Gatherings shall be limited to five (5) people from outside your household. 12. Religious Services are limited to 25 percent of indoor occupancy limits, or no more than 200 people, whichever is fewer. A11. Travel Restrictions . Exceptions may be given for compelling 2 cases where the travel is: (1) determined to be mission essential; (2) necessary for humanitarian reasons; or (3) warranted due to extreme hardship. Q8. The following (copied from JBLM’s Facebook page) are subject to rations: -- Rice / One/1 25lb bag or 2 smaller bags, -- Ramen Noodles / One/1 12pk or One/1 6 pk cups / No more than 12 Single Pk, -- Chicken: 2 cuts each per transaction/visit, -- Beef: 2 cuts each per transaction/visit, -- Pork: 2 cuts each per transaction/visit. The bases are Grand Forks Air Force Base and Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, McConnell Air Force Base in Kansas, Naval Support Activity Mid-South in Tennessee, and Naval Air Station Sigonella and Naval Support Activity in Italy. Will families not be allowed to accompany?
VPCs are postured to assist customers with changing appointments, vehicle retrieval, and answering any other POV-related questions you have. All DoD service members and civilians, and their family members will stop all official travel – such as Permanent Change of Station or Temporary Duty – through May 11. Q4. Does this travel memo affect contractors traveling to and from those locations?
Joint Base Lewis-McChord Family Housing participates in the Residential Communities Initiative program conducted by the Department of Army. A29. A14: If you’re interested in retrieving your vehicle, contact the VPC immediately. DoD follows the levels and countries designated by the CDC. All overseas locations are either Level 2 or Level 3. Outdoor activities shall be limited to intra-team practices only, with facial coverings required for all coaches, volunteers and athletes at all times. A18. A28. Hello and Welcome to Joint Base Lewis - McChord . Depending on their location, effective March 13, all service members, civilians and families traveling to, from or through Level 3 locations (as designated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) will stop movement for the next 60 days. Can they put the charges on their government travel card?
POLICY A. Individuals whose TDY ends within stop movement period may return home. For all, we are telling them that if they feel sick, they should immediately self-isolate, notify their leadership, and call the appropriate medical authorities for assistance. PRINT | E-MAIL. As of November 9, 147 of 231 installations, or about 64%, have lifted travel restrictions, meaning they have met specific criteria including the base’s health protection condition level being above “Charlie” and essential services are available, according to the Pentagon. Check with your chain of command for leave authority. Professional Services are required to mandate that employees work from home when possible and close offices to the public if possible. at 90 of 231 Installations (39%) (Met: Step 1, Step 2, & Step 3) Unrestricted travel is allowed for Service members or civilian between installations that have met the criteria of the Secretary of Defense memo on the conditions-based, DoD Travel Restrictions Update - April 20 DoD Travel Restrictions FAQ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S. response to COVID-19 Air Force COVID-19 Information Military Health System DoD COVID-19 Information MyPers Updates AMC temporarily suspends most Space-A travel AMC Space-A travel limitations memo U.S. Government COVID-19 Information What do you mean when you talk about overseas “concurrent official travel” for families to Level 2 locations? COVID-19 Travel Restrictions Installation Status Update . Q28. • Commissary, shoppettes and PX/BX reduced to 50% capacity. LIFTED. Senior Airman Tryphena Mayhugh, 62nd Airlift Wing Public Affairs, Marisa Conner, Army & Air Force Exchange Service Headquarters. 4. DoD will use all means available to assist service members who were impacted by COVID-19. Miscellaneous Venues: All retail activities and business meetings are prohibited. What will screening measures (as mentioned in the Force Health Protection Supplement #4) entail?
Bowling Centers are closed for indoor service. Travel Restrictions . Indoor Social Gatherings with people from outside your household are prohibited unless they (a) quarantine for fourteen days (14) prior to the social gathering; or (b) quarantine for seven (7) days prior to the social gathering and receive a negative COVID-19 test result no more than 48-hours prior to the gathering. In order to help limit COVID-19’s spread and its impact on the force, the Secretary of Defense instituted travel restrictions for both international and domestic travel. • George said units will make decisions on any reduced mannings. New restrictions will be the following, going into effect tonight at 11:59 pm through December 14. George asked military personnel to keep their command updated on visitors. All DoD service members and civilians, and their family members will stop all official travel – such as Permanent Change of Station or Temporary Duty – through May 11. Q16. March 16. No, families will not be able to accompany their sponsor to overseas locations; their travel will be deferred for 60 days. A21. A17. What is being done to ensure our service members are safe in their travels and keep them healthy? FOCUS magazine G9 integrates and delivers Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs and services enabling readiness and resilience for a globally-responsive Army. How does this apply to Level 2 areas where service members are on military leave?
Individuals will need to contact their shipping office to determine if their household goods are still in the local area and whether or not they may have access to them. For Level 3: no, unless granted an exception. JBLM Family and MWR is a network of support and leisure services designed to serve the needs, interests and responsibilities of each individual in the Joint Base Lewis-McChord community, as well as enhance the quality of their lives. A traveler who is authorized PCS travel by POV is allowed one day of travel for the first 400 miles between authorized points. Can service members currently on leave in CONUS return overseas to a CDC Level 3 or Level 2 country they are stationed in? Q20. Wedding and Funerals: Ceremonies are limited to a total of no more than 30 people. The Lewis and McChord commissaries have already set purchase limits and implemented a 50% occupancy level at both stores. All publications need to be reviewed and updated when there has been a change of command at the Joint Base Garrison, I Corps and 62nd Airlift Wing-level. A townhall was scheduled for Tuesday. Do the Level 3 locations include the European countries mentioned by the president?
Q29. If the activity is not listed, it should follow its current guidance. 050205. A refund will be issued. We advise contractors to check with their companies. Who does the domestic travel restriction apply to?
This forum may not be used for the submission of any claim, demand, informal or formal complaint, or any other form of legal and/or administrative notice or process, or for the exhaustion of any legal and/or administrative remedy. Q15. A3. Q11. Defense instituted travel restrictions for both international and domestic travel. Space A Travel is restricted indefinitely until a determination can be made on safely removing the limitations. One example is renewal agreement travel by civilian employees. These restrictions do not apply to courts and judicial branch-related proceedings. The Joint Personal Property Shipping Office Northwest is a joint staffed Department of Defense activity that is committed to providing superior quality traffic management services for the acquisition of transportation services for the movement and storage of personal property. Measures like social distancing and handwashing during their travels or commercial business command updated on visitors into! 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To their final destination of state may have a single accompanist restriction listed above in retrieving vehicle... Exchange 's websites meal options in two different sizes, ” West said a to...